Mentor Field Trip at Scottsdale Center

I'm sitting in the auditorium of Scottsdale Center for Dentistry and I'm just very energized. Those who know me are thinking, "what else is new!"  

The reason that I'm so energized is the fantastic meeting being given by Sameer Puri, Armen Mirzayan and Mike Skramstad. They are doing a weekend of lectures for our esteemed Mentor Group on how to properly document cases and create beautiful presentations. I'm sitting toward the back of the room and decided to take a photo of the meeting in action.

This is just such a great lecture given to the mentors to teach them the tools to go out and put on presentations like the guys teaching it. We learned Camtasia, Dropbox, iMovie and Handbrake. They show how to record CEREC procedures off the CEREC machine and produce them with audio. They show how to edit videos and photos in iMovie. They not only showed everyone how to use these different programs but sent everyone away with the presentation so everyone has a tutorial to allow them to practice and create these presentations in both Keynote and PowerPoint.

I remember a few years back when Sam told me about his plans for the mentors and all the content he wanted to provide to them. This year he has gone above and beyond all he discussed with me. I'm sure that this course will be given again. If you are a mentor and didn't make the course this time, don't miss the next one. If you are not a mentor, contact Shayna Phipps at Scottsdale Center and get some info about it. The only thing better than the meeting is being with 100 friends here at the center taking the class with me.

great meeting. I'm glad all enjoyed it.
Just hanging out with so many engaged cerecdoctors is so energizing. Can't ask to be part of a better group.

I am very fortunate to have the Scottsdale center (figuratively) in my backyard, but even more fortunate to be a part of the CEREC Mentors Group. If anyone had told me, as few as ten years ago, that I would have 100s of good friends all around the county and that I would be more enthused than even about our profession, I would have told them that they were crazy! Eight years ago, when I first became interested in the CEREC concept, I never, in my wildest imagination, believed that it would morph into the amazing experience it has become. Imtiaz, Sameer, Armen, and all the "guys" have given something unsurpassed to our profession......camaraderie!!!!!..... Dentistry, for the most part is still a solo and very lonely profession. CEREC, even more than DentalTown, has brought like minded "geeks" (yeah,right!) together. It has opened the door to an entire new and different paradigm of restorative care and I am PROUD to call CERECers from all over the country my friends.

well said Glenn!