When Using CEREC - Stop! Look! Think!

When you go to the Mill Phase in CEREC Chairside Software 4.3.1, you will notice a new look. In the Select Block Size step you will see all block sizes for the material you have selected are visible. Sometimes when looking at this screen you will see a yellow exclamation mark. Before it meant there was a “problem”. Even though it is an alert, I wouldn’t put it in the category of being a “ problem”. That is, it is not a problem a long as it isn’t the only block you have left in your inventory.


The one advantage that I do see with this enhanced step is the ability to take control of the block selection process. After you have worked with the CEREC system for a while, you get a pretty good idea on what block will be needed for the restoration you have designed, but the software may have a different idea.


By selecting the smaller block and by using the tools available in the Mill Phase, we can sometimes “fit” the restoration into the smaller block. You can rotate the sprue just a few degrees and it can make a difference whether a restoration can fit into a block.


So you don’t always have to take what the software gives you. Sometimes you have to stop, take a look and think.