
Every day - in both our professional and private lives - we make hundreds, perhaps thousands of choices. Every decision we make is important; each one shapes and molds our day into what it will be remembered for. Was it a good day or a bad day? Did that procedure turn out well, or could different choices made along the way have changed our outcome for the better?

If we manage our private life well, our physical and mental states will be at the ready to have a positive effect on our clinical needs. Get in tune with your body. Give it good healthy foods, plenty of water and daily exercise to allow it to work optimally. When the body is doing well, the mind will follow. With the mind humming along crisp and clear, you will be at the top of your game.

When sitting down to treat your CEREC patient, spend a few minutes to prepare for the case. Review X-rays, clinical notes and the patient's history. Chose your design option, block type, and make sure your armamentarium is set up properly. Direct your full attention to the job at hand, block out the outside world, be dynamic, make decisions and change previous choices on the fly.

The greatest part of CEREC is that it's all you. Yes, the machine does a specific thing, but it's your technique, knowledge and choices that come together to produce the final result.

You should strive to be proud of each and every CEREC restoration YOU produce. CEREC puts you in control. Run with it, but don't forget to spend a few minutes admiring and evaluating your end product.

By producing something that you can be proud of, you will be more fulfilled in your professional life. This, in turn, will make your private life happier, and the cycle will repeat itself in a positive manner. Strive to enjoy your work and every aspect of your life will be better.