Planning for Vacation

Thomas Monahan Jeffrey Caso
13 years ago

The weeks leading up to a vacation can be very stressful in the office. I like to leave with everything perfect. Part of a restful vacation is not worrying about any unfinished business. This includes not leaving any patients in a vulnerable position and pre-paying any bills that may come due while your gone.

I will say that over the years this preparation has gotten easier. Using an online billing service, like the one offered through my bank, makes keeping on top of bills so much more efficient. Just click which bills you want to pay and when and they get sent out automatically.

I would struggle sometimes weeks before departure with prosthetic cases. I would never leave with a patient in temporaries. The stress was huge. On the last few days, everything coming back from the lab had to fit perfectly. With CEREC, no more temporaries, no more fit problems and no more worries.

I think it's great that as I prepare for my upcoming vacation, my last two patients are scheduled for CEREC crowns. Now, granted they are both on endodontically treated teeth and should be straightforward, but how easy is that to provide this service right up to the end of the day and then leave with a clear head?

CEREC has changed my practice in so many positive ways; this is just another way. It really makes life easier and gives me confidence to get some much needed rest without regret.

It also provides me with one other advantage. When I return from vacation, I can immediately and definitively offer the patients who experienced problems while I was away the dentistry they need. This helps them to have a permanent resolution of their problem and it surely helps my cash-starved practice to get back on track after being closed.

Practicing CEREC dentistry is such a smart thing to do. Enjoy it and be thankful for everything it has to offer!

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