Surround Yourself with Winners

Thomas Monahan Mark Fleming
13 years ago

I have heard Imtiaz Manji say many times to be careful with whom you share your sandbox. Basically, watch who you surround yourself with. If you want to be successful, surround yourself with not only successful people but also people who are invested in your success.

I just had the opportunity to spend several days at a conference put together by 3M. They have some incredible people at the company. They have a great culture that allows people to spend time on projects that may not be directly related to what they are working on now. They don't have to worry about making mistakes but they get to let their creative juices flow. Many of their products have been developed this way. Creative people are surrounded by other creative people and success ensues.

How about you? Are you surrounding yourself with winners? Are you allowing your staff to be creative without worrying whether they are 'wrong'? Who is in your sandbox? It may be beneficial for you to explore these questions. Have fun and enjoy!

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