How to Make Custom Abutments Easier

Thomas Monahan Mike Skramstad
11 years ago

Using the CEREC software to create milled custom abutments has been a topic of great interest.  The software can often be a bit challenging and require training and practice to perfect.  One thing that can make the entire process easier is controlling your tissue emergence and profile prior to final restorations.  There are many ways to do this, but the most helpful would be:

  • - Custom Healing Abutments (mainly for the posterior)
  • - Custom Provisionals (mainly for the anteriors)

If you look at the first image below (with the healing cap) and visualized trying to restore that tooth immediately with a custom abutment (using the Sirona CEREC Software), you will undoubtedly have issues designing your final abutment.  Some issues would include:

  • - Minimal thickness from the Titanium Base
  • - How much tissue pressure to apply
  • - The unpredictability of where the final tissue position would be

By guiding the tissue through custom healing abutments or provisional, you solve many of these issues.  Most importantly, you make designing the custom abutments in the CEREC software much much easier.


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