CEREC and Dentures

Thomas Monahan Peter Gardell
9 years ago

A man walks into a bar……..


No this is not what you expect, there is no punchline. 


This guy actually walked into a bar at work and he successfully extracted a denture tooth. Dentures- what does that have to do with CEREC, what makes it Blog worthy.


Well, here’s the story.


This guys looks like he is a real life character from Breaking Bad.

I have a flight to catch and won’t be back in the office for 5 days.

I don’t have a matching denture tooth in house.

I did not want to explain to this gentleman any bad news for fear of my life.


I wanted to be able to say “Yes, we can help you today.”


So what to do? Well I do what I try to do all the time, let CEREC give me a solution. Allow my best employee fulfill its role in my office.


I make a preparation in the denture base. I prepare a dovetail to help with the retention of the new tooth and walk through the normal steps of design. In a few short minutes a new denture tooth that fits perfectly and looks great comes out of the milling chamber. The Lava Ultimate tooth is easily bonded into the denture with cold cure acrylic.





So you’re probably wondering, why waste a block to do this? 


Well, there are many advantages doing it this way, especially if you consider the costs.


I didn’t have a tooth on hand so would have had to buy an anterior set in the correct mold and shade. Also, I would have had to have him come back for a second visit.


I could have sent it to the lab for the repair and incurred the associated fees for this and a second visit.


Both of these solutions would not be convenient to this patient. Both of these solutions would be more expensive for my office. Neither of these options would generate the internal marketing bonus that could drive more psychopaths to my office after their release from a highly supervised and secure camp!


So when it comes to any emergency, there are many ways the CEREC benefits your patients and your office.

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