CERECGuide Fabrication Part 6

For this the final blog on CERECGuide fabrication it is time to put all the pieces together. The thermal plastic stent is made and we have the milled guide fabricated. Now all that needs to happen is to put the guide in to the stent.  


First the sprue needs to be removed. Once that is removed the milled guide is placed into the thermal plastic stent. It indexes with the notch that was on the radiographic reference body that is now impressed into the thermal plastic. 



Now that the guide is in place, a hole needs to be made so the drills can pass through without hitting the plastic and possibly carrying some of it into the osteotomy. The best way to do this is to use a tissue punch in a slow speed hand piece at very low rpm’s. To make sure the plastic doesn’t distort, place the guide or the radiographic reference in the plastic stent first.  



A perfect little plug is then made that allows the drills pass through. Use a punch that is big enough to give plenty of clearance for your respective drill. 




By following the steps that have been outlined in these blogs, the fabrication of the CERECguide will become efficient and predictable.

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