Azento case for central incisor

Thomas Monahan Andrew Hall
5 years ago

This patient presented with a "loose" tooth, c'mon man

Plan was to extract the tooth and let the soft tissues heal up a few weeks

Took full arch scan with Prime, printed 3D model an essix retainer with a tooth for interim partial.

CBCT and full arch scan sent to Azento for treatment plan and below is final plan:

Time to execute the plan - I only ordered a custom healer on this case, no final abutment

I did flap this case to make sure the guide was seated completely and to make sure things were seated correctly given depth of implant

Happy with the outcome, I am certain there are several ways to handle a case like this - always looking to improve so any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Will finish the case with an atlantis abutment and final restoration - one option I really wish Azento had was the option to place a "later order" for the final abutment on cases in which you did not pre-order all the prosthetics so that I could asses healing and then just do that rather than having to take another digital impression. 

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