Houston we have a problem.....full mouth recon

Thomas Monahan Andrew Hall
6 years ago

ACTUALLY we don't but I thought this might get your attention and also it is a tribute to the patient in this case.  Meet John he is a NASA engineer, a real rocket scientist and one the nicest guys you will ever meet.  One day I actually bumped into him on a flight from Chicago to Denver and I asked him what he did at NASA and he said that if the astronauts utter those words "Houston we have a problem" he is the guy that they call.  John lives in my city but works in Houston every week so he is only home on Friday - Sunday mornings and is a vibrant 75 year old man.  You can see from his before photos that he has severe attrition/wear.  He does not report any history of GERD or any intestinal disease.  I had patched up a few teeth over the years and always discussed the need for FMR.  He finally committed to the treatment.

The treatment plan given his work schedule and limited availability was to get a FM wax-up done, do the upper arch in one sitting and place over provisionals which he would wear for a minimum of 3 months to asses the new vertical etc.  I TENS and took a bite and got the wax-up completed.  You may notice from his before photos that his incisal edge position is actually not bad.

So we called in CADSmiles and he helped with the case since I wanted to get the uppers completed in one day and the provisionals in place on the lowers.  Having him do the design and post-mill contour freed me up to prep the lower arch.  Eddie has a great approach to these larger cases and they are divided into smaller segments all of which has been discussed on these forums several times.  This case was done all with Celtra Duo LT A2 just polished and fired.  Not going to win AACD and I did learn several things from this case but the patient was happy with the outcomes.  The uppers have been in service for 1 year and the lowers were completed 7 months ago.  



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