The Growth of CEREC Doctors

Its amazing what this website has evolved into. What started out as a way to share information and a few videos that were made by putting a camera on our CEREC machines has grown into thousands of members from all over the world. Some of the new features we have added is the ability to put videos directly into the discussion thread. Now when someone comes and asks a question about parameters, margins, etc, we can simply link the appropriate video right then and there. The next phase will include all flash videos and other features which will make the user experience better for all users. Starting in January, both Sirona and Patterson have committed dedicated members from their support team to monitor the message boards so that technical questions that the faculty cannot answer can be addressed from the corporate level. What I am most proud of is our dedicated faculty who tirelessly help out all users on the site. Armen and I used to spend hours providing support and now before we have a chance to address the users on the message board, the questions have already been answered by skramy, gardell, caso and rosenblatt. Couldnt ask for a better group of guys to work with. All in all, over the past few years, we have had some growing pains no doubt - thousands of owners a year, you are bound to have some issues. However as we move forward and Sirona continues to innovate our little CEREC machine with software updates, we hope that you make cerecdoctors your home for all things CEREC.

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